1 /**
2  *
3  */
4 module httparsed;
6 nothrow @safe @nogc:
8 /// Parser error codes
9 enum ParserError : int
10 {
11     partial = 1,    /// not enough data to parse message
12     newLine,        /// invalid character in new line
13     headerName,     /// invalid character in header name
14     status,         /// invalid character in response status
15     token,          /// invalid character in token
16     noHeaderName,   /// empty header name
17     noMethod,       /// no method in request line
18     noVersion,      /// no version in request line / response status line
19     noUri,          /// no URI in request line
20     noStatus,       /// no status code or text in status line
21     invalidMethod,  /// invalid method in request line
22     invalidVersion, /// invalid version for the protocol message
23 }
25 /// Helper function to initialize message parser
26 auto initParser(MSG, Args...)(Args args) { return MsgParser!MSG(args); }
28 /**
29  *  HTTP/RTSP message parser.
30  */
31 struct MsgParser(MSG)
32 {
33     import std.traits : ForeachType, isArray, Unqual;
35     this(Args...)(Args args)
36     {
37         this.msg = MSG(args);
38     }
40     /**
41      *  Parses message request (request line + headers).
42      *
43      *  Params:
44      *    - buffer = buffer to parse message from
45      *    - lastPos = optional argument to store / pass previous position to which message was
46      *                already parsed (speeds up parsing when message comes in parts)
47      *
48      *  Returns:
49      *    * parsed message header length when parsed sucessfully
50      *    * `-ParserError.partial` on error (ie. -1 when message header is not comlete yet)
51      */
52     int parseRequest(T)(T buffer, ref uint lastPos)
53         if (isArray!T && (is(Unqual!(ForeachType!T) == char) || is(Unqual!(ForeachType!T) == ubyte)))
54     {
55         static if (is(Unqual!(ForeachType!T) == char)) return parse!parseRequestLine(cast(const(ubyte)[])buffer, lastPos);
56         else return parse!parseRequestLine(buffer, lastPos);
57     }
59     /// ditto
60     int parseRequest(T)(T buffer)
61         if (isArray!T && (is(Unqual!(ForeachType!T) == char) || is(Unqual!(ForeachType!T) == ubyte)))
62     {
63         uint lastPos;
64         static if (is(Unqual!(ForeachType!T) == char)) return parse!parseRequestLine(cast(const(ubyte)[])buffer, lastPos);
65         else return parse!parseRequestLine(buffer, lastPos);
66     }
68     /**
69      *  Parses message response (status line + headers).
70      *
71      *  Params:
72      *    - buffer = buffer to parse message from
73      *    - lastPos = optional argument to store / pass previous position to which message was
74      *                already parsed (speeds up parsing when message comes in parts)
75      *
76      *  Returns:
77      *    * parsed message header length when parsed sucessfully
78      *    * `-ParserError.partial` on error (ie. -1 when message header is not comlete yet)
79      */
80     int parseResponse(T)(T buffer, ref uint lastPos)
81         if (isArray!T && (is(Unqual!(ForeachType!T) == char) || is(Unqual!(ForeachType!T) == ubyte)))
82     {
83         static if (is(Unqual!(ForeachType!T) == char)) return parse!parseStatusLine(cast(const(ubyte)[])buffer, lastPos);
84         else return parse!parseStatusLine(buffer, lastPos);
85     }
87     /// ditto
88     int parseResponse(T)(T buffer)
89         if (isArray!T && (is(Unqual!(ForeachType!T) == char) || is(Unqual!(ForeachType!T) == ubyte)))
90     {
91         uint lastPos;
92         static if (is(Unqual!(ForeachType!T) == char)) return parse!parseStatusLine(cast(const(ubyte)[])buffer, lastPos);
93         else return parse!parseStatusLine(buffer, lastPos);
94     }
96     /// Gets provided structure used during parsing
97     ref MSG msg() return { return m_msg; }
99     alias msg this;
101 private:
103     // character map of valid characters for token, forbidden:
104     //   0-SP, DEL, HT
105     //   ()<>@,;:\"/[]?={}
106     enum tokenRanges = "\0 \"\"(),,//:@[]{}\x7f\xff";
107     enum tokenSSERanges = "\0 \"\"(),,//:@[]{\xff"; // merge of last range due to the SSE register size limit
109     enum versionRanges = "\0-:@[`{\xff"; // allow only [A-Za-z./] characters
111     MSG m_msg;
113     int parse(alias pred)(const(ubyte)[] buffer, ref uint lastPos)
114     {
115         assert(buffer.length >= lastPos);
116         immutable l = buffer.length;
118         if (_expect(!lastPos, true))
119         {
120             if (_expect(!buffer.length, false)) return err(ParserError.partial);
122             // skip first empty line (some clients add CRLF after POST content)
123             if (_expect(buffer[0] == '\r', false))
124             {
125                 if (_expect(buffer.length == 1, false)) return err(ParserError.partial);
126                 if (_expect(buffer[1] != '\n', false)) return err(ParserError.newLine);
127                 lastPos += 2;
128                 buffer = buffer[lastPos..$];
129             }
130             else if (_expect(buffer[0] == '\n', false))
131                 buffer = buffer[++lastPos..$];
133             immutable res = pred(buffer);
134             if (_expect(res < 0, false)) return res;
136             lastPos = cast(int)(l - buffer.length); // store index of last parsed line
137         }
138         else buffer = buffer[lastPos..$]; // skip already parsed lines
140         immutable hdrRes = parseHeaders(buffer);
141         lastPos = cast(int)(l - buffer.length); // store index of last parsed line
143         if (_expect(hdrRes < 0, false)) return hdrRes;
144         return lastPos; // finished
145     }
147     int parseHeaders(ref const(ubyte)[] buffer)
148     {
149         bool hasHeader;
150         size_t start, i;
151         const(ubyte)[] name, value;
152         while (true)
153         {
154             // check for msg headers end
155             if (_expect(buffer.length == 0, false)) return err(ParserError.partial);
156             if (buffer[0] == '\r')
157             {
158                 if (_expect(buffer.length == 1, false)) return err(ParserError.partial);
159                 if (_expect(buffer[1] != '\n', false)) return err(ParserError.newLine);
161                 buffer = buffer[2..$];
162                 return 0;
163             }
164             if (_expect(buffer[0] == '\n', false))
165             {
166                 buffer = buffer[1..$];
167                 return 0;
168             }
170             if (!hasHeader || (buffer[i] != ' ' && buffer[i] != '\t'))
171             {
172                 auto ret = parseToken!(tokenRanges, ':', tokenSSERanges)(buffer, i);
173                 if (_expect(ret < 0, false)) return ret;
174                 if (_expect(start == i, false)) return err(ParserError.noHeaderName);
175                 name = buffer[start..i]; // store header name
176                 i++; // move index after colon
178                 // skip over SP and HT
179                 for (;; ++i)
180                 {
181                     if (_expect(i == buffer.length, false)) return err(ParserError.partial);
182                     if (buffer[i] != ' ' && buffer[i] != '\t') break;
183                 }
184                 start = i;
185             }
186             else name = null; // multiline header
188             // parse value
189             auto ret = parseToken!("\0\010\012\037\177\177", "\r\n")(buffer, i);
190             if (_expect(ret < 0, false)) return ret;
191             value = buffer[start..i];
192             mixin(advanceNewline);
193             hasHeader = true; // flag to define that we can now accept multiline header values
194             static if (__traits(hasMember, m_msg, "onHeader"))
195             {
196                 // remove trailing SPs and HTABs
197                 if (_expect(value.length && (value[$-1] == ' ' || value[$-1] == '\t'), false))
198                 {
199                     int j = cast(int)value.length - 2;
200                     for (; j >= 0; --j)
201                         if (!(value[j] == ' ' || value[j] == '\t'))
202                             break;
203                     value = value[0..j+1];
204                 }
206                 static if (is(typeof(m_msg.onHeader("", "")) == void))
207                     m_msg.onHeader(cast(const(char)[])name, cast(const(char)[])value);
208                 else {
209                     auto r = m_msg.onHeader(cast(const(char)[])name, cast(const(char)[])value);
210                     if (_expect(r < 0, false)) return r;
211                 }
212             }
214             // header line completed -> advance buffer
215             buffer = buffer[i..$];
216             start = i = 0;
217         }
218         assert(0);
219     }
221     auto parseRequestLine(ref const(ubyte)[] buffer)
222     {
223         size_t start, i;
225         // METHOD
226         auto ret = parseToken!(tokenRanges, ' ', tokenSSERanges)(buffer, i);
227         if (_expect(ret < 0, false)) return ret;
228         if (_expect(start == i, false)) return err(ParserError.noMethod);
230         static if (__traits(hasMember, m_msg, "onMethod"))
231         {
232             static if (is(typeof(m_msg.onMethod("")) == void))
233                 m_msg.onMethod(cast(const(char)[])buffer[start..i]);
234             else {
235                 auto r = m_msg.onMethod(cast(const(char)[])buffer[start..i]);
236                 if (_expect(r < 0, false)) return r;
237             }
238         }
239         mixin(skipSpaces!(ParserError.noUri));
240         start = i;
242         // PATH
243         ret = parseToken!("\000\040\177\177", ' ')(buffer, i);
244         if (_expect(ret < 0, false)) return ret;
245         static if (__traits(hasMember, m_msg, "onUri"))
246         {
247             static if (is(typeof(m_msg.onUri("")) == void))
248                 m_msg.onUri(cast(const(char)[])buffer[start..i]);
249             else {
250                 auto ur = m_msg.onUri(cast(const(char)[])buffer[start..i]);
251                 if (_expect(ur < 0, false)) return ur;
252             }
253         }
254         mixin(skipSpaces!(ParserError.noVersion));
255         start = i;
257         // VERSION
258         ret = parseToken!(versionRanges, "\r\n")(buffer, i);
259         if (_expect(ret < 0, false)) return ret;
260         static if (__traits(hasMember, m_msg, "onVersion"))
261         {
262             static if (is(typeof(m_msg.onVersion("")) == void))
263                 m_msg.onVersion(cast(const(char)[])buffer[start..i]);
264             else {
265                 auto vr = m_msg.onVersion(cast(const(char)[])buffer[start..i]);
266                 if (_expect(vr < 0, false)) return vr;
267             }
268         }
269         mixin(advanceNewline);
271         // advance buffer after the request line
272         buffer = buffer[i..$];
273         return 0;
274     }
276     auto parseStatusLine(ref const(ubyte)[] buffer)
277     {
278         size_t start, i;
280         // VERSION
281         auto ret = parseToken!(versionRanges, ' ')(buffer, i);
282         if (_expect(ret < 0, false)) return ret;
283         if (_expect(start == i, false)) return err(ParserError.noVersion);
284         static if (__traits(hasMember, m_msg, "onVersion"))
285         {
286             static if (is(typeof(m_msg.onVersion("")) == void))
287                 m_msg.onVersion(cast(const(char)[])buffer[start..i]);
288             else {
289                 auto r = m_msg.onVersion(cast(const(char)[])buffer[start..i]);
290                 if (_expect(r < 0, false)) return r;
291             }
292         }
293         mixin(skipSpaces!(ParserError.noStatus));
294         start = i;
296         // STATUS CODE
297         if (_expect(i+3 >= buffer.length, false))
298             return err(ParserError.partial); // not enough data - we want at least [:digit:][:digit:][:digit:]<other char> to try to parse
300         int code;
301         foreach (j, m; [100, 10, 1])
302         {
303             if (buffer[i+j] < '0' || buffer[i+j] > '9') return err(ParserError.status);
304             code += (buffer[start+j] - '0') * m;
305         }
306         i += 3;
307         static if (__traits(hasMember, m_msg, "onStatus"))
308         {
309             static if (is(typeof(m_msg.onStatus(code)) == void))
310                 m_msg.onStatus(code);
311             else {
312                 auto sr = m_msg.onStatus(code);
313                 if (_expect(sr < 0, false)) return sr;
314             }
315         }
316         if (_expect(i == buffer.length, false))
317             return err(ParserError.partial);
318         if (_expect(buffer[i] != ' ' && buffer[i] != '\r' && buffer[i] != '\n', false))
319             return err(ParserError.status); // Garbage after status
321         start = i;
323         // MESSAGE
324         ret = parseToken!("\0\010\012\037\177\177", "\r\n")(buffer, i);
325         if (_expect(ret < 0, false)) return ret;
326         static if (__traits(hasMember, m_msg, "onStatusMsg"))
327         {
328             // remove preceding space (we did't advance over spaces because possibly missing status message)
329             if (i > start)
330             {
331                 while (buffer[start] == ' ' && start < i) start++;
332                 if (i > start)
333                 {
334                     static if (is(typeof(m_msg.onStatusMsg("")) == void))
335                         m_msg.onStatusMsg(cast(const(char)[])buffer[start..i]);
336                     else {
337                         auto smr = m_msg.onStatusMsg(cast(const(char)[])buffer[start..i]);
338                         if (_expect(smr < 0, false)) return smr;
339                     }
340                 }
341             }
342         }
343         mixin(advanceNewline);
345         // advance buffer after the status line
346         buffer = buffer[i..$];
347         return 0;
348     }
350     /*
351      * Advances buffer over the token to the next character while checking for valid characters.
352      * On success, buffer index is left on the next character.
353      *
354      * Params:
355      *      - ranges = ranges of characters to stop on
356      *      - sseRanges = if null, same ranges is used, but they are limited to 8 ranges
357      *      - next  = next character/s to stop on (must be present in the provided ranges too)
358      * Returns: 0 on success error code otherwise
359      */
360     int parseToken(string ranges, alias next, string sseRanges = null)(const(ubyte)[] buffer, ref size_t i) pure
361     {
362         version (DigitalMars) {
363             static if (__VERSION__ >= 2094) pragma(inline, true); // older compilers can't inline this
364         } else pragma(inline, true);
366         static immutable charMap = buildValidCharMap(ranges);
368         static if (LDC_with_SSE42)
369         {
370             // CT function to prepare input for SIMD vector enum
371             static byte[16] padRanges()(string ranges)
372             {
373                 byte[16] res;
374                 // res[0..ranges.length] = cast(byte[])ranges[]; - broken on macOS betterC tests
375                 foreach (i, c; ranges) res[i] = cast(byte)c;
376                 return res;
377             }
379             static if (sseRanges) alias usedRng = sseRanges;
380             else alias usedRng = ranges;
381             static assert(usedRng.length <= 16, "Ranges must be at most 16 characters long");
382             static assert(usedRng.length % 2 == 0, "Ranges must have even number of characters");
383             enum rangesSize = usedRng.length;
384             enum byte16 rngE = padRanges(usedRng);
386             if (_expect(buffer.length - i >= 16, true))
387             {
388                 size_t left = (buffer.length - i) & ~15; // round down to multiple of 16
389                 byte16 ranges16 = rngE;
391                 do
392                 {
393                     byte16 b16 = () @trusted { return cast(byte16)_mm_loadu_si128(cast(__m128i*)&buffer[i]); }();
394                     immutable r = _mm_cmpestri(
395                         ranges16, rangesSize,
396                         b16, 16,
398                     );
400                     if (r != 16)
401                     {
402                         i += r;
403                         goto FOUND;
404                     }
405                     i += 16;
406                     left -= 16;
407                 }
408                 while (_expect(left != 0, true));
409             }
410         }
411         else
412         {
413             // faster unrolled loop to iterate over 8 characters
414             loop: while (_expect(buffer.length - i >= 8, true))
415             {
416                 static foreach (_; 0..8)
417                 {
418                     if (_expect(!charMap[buffer[i]], false)) goto FOUND;
419                     ++i;
420                 }
421             }
422         }
424         // handle the rest
425         if (_expect(i >= buffer.length, false)) return err(ParserError.partial);
427         FOUND:
428         while (true)
429         {
430             static if (is(typeof(next) == char)) {
431                 static assert(!charMap[next], "Next character is not in ranges");
432                 if (buffer[i] == next) return 0;
433             } else {
434                 static assert(next.length > 0, "Next character not provided");
435                 static foreach (c; next) {
436                     static assert(!charMap[c], "Next character is not in ranges");
437                     if (buffer[i] == c) return 0;
438                 }
439             }
440             if (_expect(!charMap[buffer[i]], false)) return err(ParserError.token);
441             if (_expect(++i == buffer.length, false)) return err(ParserError.partial);
442         }
443     }
445     // advances over new line
446     enum advanceNewline = q{
447             assert(i < buffer.length);
448             if (_expect(buffer[i] == '\r', true))
449             {
450                 if (_expect(i+1 == buffer.length, false)) return err(ParserError.partial);
451                 if (_expect(buffer[i+1] != '\n', false)) return err(ParserError.newLine);
452                 i += 2;
453             }
454             else if (buffer[i] == '\n') ++i;
455             else assert(0);
456         };
458     // skips over spaces in the buffer
459     template skipSpaces(ParserError err)
460     {
461         enum skipSpaces = `
462             do {
463                 ++i;
464                 if (_expect(buffer.length == i, false)) return err(ParserError.partial);
465                 if (_expect(buffer[i] == '\r' || buffer[i] == '\n', false)) return err(` ~ err.stringof ~ `);
466             } while (buffer[i] == ' ');
467         `;
468     }
469 }
471 ///
472 @("example")
473 unittest
474 {
475     // init parser
476     auto reqParser = initParser!Msg(); // or `MsgParser!MSG reqParser;`
477     auto resParser = initParser!Msg(); // or `MsgParser!MSG resParser;`
479     // parse request
480     string data = "GET /foo HTTP/1.1\r\nHost:\r\n\r\n";
481     // returns parsed message header length when parsed sucessfully, -ParserError on error
482     int res = reqParser.parseRequest(data);
483     assert(res == data.length);
484     assert(reqParser.method == "GET");
485     assert(reqParser.uri == "/foo");
486     assert(reqParser.minorVer == 1); // HTTP/1.1
487     assert(reqParser.headers.length == 1);
488     assert(reqParser.headers[0].name == "Host");
489     assert(reqParser.headers[0].value == "");
491     // parse response
492     data = "HTTP/1.0 200 OK\r\n";
493     uint lastPos; // store last parsed position for next run
494     res = resParser.parseResponse(data, lastPos);
495     assert(res == -ParserError.partial); // no complete message header yet
496     data = "HTTP/1.0 200 OK\r\nContent-Type: text/plain\r\nContent-Length: 3\r\n\r\nfoo";
497     res = resParser.parseResponse(data, lastPos); // starts parsing from previous position
498     assert(res == data.length - 3); // whole message header parsed, body left to be handled based on actual header values
499     assert(resParser.minorVer == 0); // HTTP/1.0
500     assert(resParser.status == 200);
501     assert(resParser.statusMsg == "OK");
502     assert(resParser.headers.length == 2);
503     assert(resParser.headers[0].name == "Content-Type");
504     assert(resParser.headers[0].value == "text/plain");
505     assert(resParser.headers[1].name == "Content-Length");
506     assert(resParser.headers[1].value == "3");
507 }
509 /**
510  * Parses HTTP version from a slice returned in `onVersion` callback.
511  *
512  * Returns: minor version (0 for HTTP/1.0 or 1 for HTTP/1.1) on success or
513  *          `-ParserError.invalidVersion` on error
514  */
515 int parseHttpVersion(const(char)[] ver) pure
516 {
517     if (_expect(ver.length != 8, false)) return err(ParserError.invalidVersion);
519     static foreach (i, c; "HTTP/1.")
520         if (_expect(ver[i] != c, false)) return err(ParserError.invalidVersion);
522     if (_expect(ver[7] < '0' || ver[7] > '9', false)) return err(ParserError.invalidVersion);
523     return ver[7] - '0';
524 }
526 @("parseHttpVersion")
527 unittest
528 {
529     assert(parseHttpVersion("FOO") < 0);
530     assert(parseHttpVersion("HTTP/1.") < 0);
531     assert(parseHttpVersion("HTTP/1.12") < 0);
532     assert(parseHttpVersion("HTTP/1.a") < 0);
533     assert(parseHttpVersion("HTTP/2.0") < 0);
534     assert(parseHttpVersion("HTTP/1.00") < 0);
535     assert(parseHttpVersion("HTTP/1.0") == 0);
536     assert(parseHttpVersion("HTTP/1.1") == 1);
537 }
539 version (CI_MAIN)
540 {
541     // workaround for dub not supporting unittests with betterC
542     version (D_BetterC)
543     {
544         extern(C) void main() {
545             import core.stdc.stdio;
546             static foreach(u; __traits(getUnitTests, httparsed)) {
547                 debug printf("testing '" ~ __traits(getAttributes, u)[0] ~ "'\n");
548                 u();
549             }
550             debug printf("All unit tests have been run successfully.\n");
551         }
552     }
553     else
554     {
555         void main()
556         {
557             version (unittest) {} // run automagically
558             else
559             {
560                 import core.stdc.stdio;
562                 // just a compilation test
563                 auto reqParser = initParser!Msg();
564                 auto resParser = initParser!Msg();
566                 string data = "GET /foo HTTP/1.1\r\nHost:\r\n\r\n";
567                 int res = reqParser.parseRequest(data);
568                 assert(res == data.length);
570                 data = "HTTP/1.0 200 OK\r\nContent-Type: text/plain\r\nContent-Length: 3\r\n\r\nfoo";
571                 res = resParser.parseResponse(data);
572                 assert(res == data.length - 3);
573                 () @trusted { printf("Test app works\n"); }();
574             }
575         }
576     }
577 }
579 private:
581 int err(ParserError e) pure { pragma(inline, true); return -(cast(int)e); }
583 /// Builds valid char map from the provided ranges of invalid ones
584 bool[256] buildValidCharMap()(string invalidRanges)
585 {
586     assert(invalidRanges.length % 2 == 0, "Uneven ranges");
587     bool[256] res = true;
589     for (int i=0; i < invalidRanges.length; i+=2)
590         for (int j=invalidRanges[i]; j <= invalidRanges[i+1]; ++j)
591             res[j] = false;
592     return res;
593 }
595 @("buildValidCharMap")
596 unittest
597 {
598     string ranges = "\0 \"\"(),,//:@[]{{}}\x7f\xff";
599     assert(buildValidCharMap(ranges) ==
600         cast(bool[])[
601             0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,
602             0,1,0,1,1,1,1,1,0,0,1,1,0,1,1,0,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,
603             0,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,0,0,0,1,1,
604             1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,0,1,0,1,0,
605             0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,
606             0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,
607             0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,
608             0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,
609         ]);
610 }
612 version (unittest) version = WITH_MSG;
613 else version (CI_MAIN) version = WITH_MSG;
615 version (WITH_MSG)
616 {
617     // define our message content handler
618     struct Header
619     {
620         const(char)[] name;
621         const(char)[] value;
622     }
624     // Just store slices of parsed message header
625     struct Msg
626     {
627         @safe pure nothrow @nogc:
628         void onMethod(const(char)[] method) { this.method = method; }
629         void onUri(const(char)[] uri) { this.uri = uri; }
630         int onVersion(const(char)[] ver)
631         {
632             minorVer = parseHttpVersion(ver);
633             return minorVer >= 0 ? 0 : minorVer;
634         }
635         void onHeader(const(char)[] name, const(char)[] value) {
636             this.m_headers[m_headersLength].name = name;
637             this.m_headers[m_headersLength++].value = value;
638         }
639         void onStatus(int status) { this.status = status; }
640         void onStatusMsg(const(char)[] statusMsg) { this.statusMsg = statusMsg; }
642         const(char)[] method;
643         const(char)[] uri;
644         int minorVer;
645         int status;
646         const(char)[] statusMsg;
648         private {
649             Header[32] m_headers;
650             size_t m_headersLength;
651         }
653         Header[] headers() return { return m_headers[0..m_headersLength]; }
654     }
656     enum Test { err, complete, partial }
657 }
659 // Tests from https://github.com/h2o/picohttpparser/blob/master/test.c
661 @("Request")
662 unittest
663 {
664     auto parse(string data, Test test = Test.complete, int additional = 0) @safe nothrow @nogc
665     {
666         auto parser = initParser!Msg();
667         auto res = parser.parseRequest(data);
668         // if (res < 0) writeln("Err: ", cast(ParserError)(-res));
669         final switch (test)
670         {
671             case Test.err: assert(res < -ParserError.partial); break;
672             case Test.partial: assert(res == -ParserError.partial); break;
673             case Test.complete: assert(res == data.length - additional); break;
674         }
676         return parser.msg;
677     }
679     // simple
680     {
681         auto req = parse("GET / HTTP/1.0\r\n\r\n");
682         assert(req.headers.length == 0);
683         assert(req.method == "GET");
684         assert(req.uri == "/");
685         assert(req.minorVer == 0);
686     }
688     // parse headers
689     {
690         auto req = parse("GET /hoge HTTP/1.1\r\nHost: example.com\r\nCookie: \r\n\r\n");
691         assert(req.method == "GET");
692         assert(req.uri == "/hoge");
693         assert(req.minorVer == 1);
694         assert(req.headers.length == 2);
695         assert(req.headers[0] == Header("Host", "example.com"));
696         assert(req.headers[1] == Header("Cookie", ""));
697     }
699     // multibyte included
700     {
701         auto req = parse("GET /hoge HTTP/1.1\r\nHost: example.com\r\nUser-Agent: \343\201\262\343/1.0\r\n\r\n");
702         assert(req.method == "GET");
703         assert(req.uri == "/hoge");
704         assert(req.minorVer == 1);
705         assert(req.headers.length == 2);
706         assert(req.headers[0] == Header("Host", "example.com"));
707         assert(req.headers[1] == Header("User-Agent", "\343\201\262\343/1.0"));
708     }
710     //multiline
711     {
712         auto req = parse("GET / HTTP/1.0\r\nfoo: \r\nfoo: b\r\n  \tc\r\n\r\n");
713         assert(req.method == "GET");
714         assert(req.uri == "/");
715         assert(req.minorVer == 0);
716         assert(req.headers.length == 3);
717         assert(req.headers[0] == Header("foo", ""));
718         assert(req.headers[1] == Header("foo", "b"));
719         assert(req.headers[2] == Header(null, "  \tc"));
720     }
722     // header name with trailing space
723     parse("GET / HTTP/1.0\r\nfoo : ab\r\n\r\n", Test.err);
725     // incomplete
726     assert(parse("\r", Test.partial).method == null);
727     assert(parse("\r\n", Test.partial).method == null);
728     assert(parse("\r\nGET", Test.partial).method == null);
729     assert(parse("GET", Test.partial).method == null);
730     assert(parse("GET ", Test.partial).method == "GET");
731     assert(parse("GET /", Test.partial).uri == null);
732     assert(parse("GET / ", Test.partial).uri == "/");
733     assert(parse("GET / HTTP/1.1", Test.partial).minorVer == 0);
734     assert(parse("GET / HTTP/1.1\r", Test.partial).minorVer == 1);
735     assert(parse("GET / HTTP/1.1\r\n", Test.partial).minorVer == 1);
736     parse("GET / HTTP/1.0\r\n\r", Test.partial);
737     parse("GET / HTTP/1.0\r\n\r\n", Test.complete);
738     parse(" / HTTP/1.0\r\n\r\n", Test.err); // empty method
739     parse("GET  HTTP/1.0\r\n\r\n", Test.err); // empty request target
740     parse("GET / \r\n\r\n", Test.err); // empty version
741     parse("GET / HTTP/1.0\r\n:a\r\n\r\n", Test.err); // empty header name
742     parse("GET / HTTP/1.0\r\n :a\r\n\r\n", Test.err); // empty header name (space only)
743     parse("G\0T / HTTP/1.0\r\n\r\n", Test.err); // NUL in method
744     parse("G\tT / HTTP/1.0\r\n\r\n", Test.err); // tab in method
745     parse("GET /\x7f HTTP/1.0\r\n\r\n", Test.err); // DEL in uri
746     parse("GET / HTTP/1.0\r\na\0b: c\r\n\r\n", Test.err); // NUL in header name
747     parse("GET / HTTP/1.0\r\nab: c\0d\r\n\r\n", Test.err); // NUL in header value
748     parse("GET / HTTP/1.0\r\na\033b: c\r\n\r\n", Test.err); // CTL in header name
749     parse("GET / HTTP/1.0\r\nab: c\033\r\n\r\n", Test.err); // CTL in header value
750     parse("GET / HTTP/1.0\r\n/: 1\r\n\r\n", Test.err); // invalid char in header value
751     parse("GET   /   HTTP/1.0\r\n\r\n", Test.complete); // multiple spaces between tokens
753     // accept MSB chars
754     {
755         auto res = parse("GET /\xa0 HTTP/1.0\r\nh: c\xa2y\r\n\r\n");
756         assert(res.method == "GET");
757         assert(res.uri == "/\xa0");
758         assert(res.minorVer == 0);
759         assert(res.headers.length == 1);
760         assert(res.headers[0] == Header("h", "c\xa2y"));
761     }
763     parse("GET / HTTP/1.0\r\n\x7b: 1\r\n\r\n", Test.err); // disallow '{'
765     // exclude leading and trailing spaces in header value
766     {
767         auto req = parse("GET / HTTP/1.0\r\nfoo:  a \t \r\n\r\n");
768         assert(req.headers[0].value == "a");
769     }
771     // leave the body intact
772     parse("GET / HTTP/1.0\r\n\r\nfoo bar baz", Test.complete, "foo bar baz".length);
774     // realworld
775     {
776         auto req = parse("GET /cookies HTTP/1.1\r\nHost:\r\nConnection: keep-alive\r\nCache-Control: max-age=0\r\nAccept: text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,*/*;q=0.8\r\nUser-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64) AppleWebKit/537.17 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/24.0.1312.56 Safari/537.17\r\nAccept-Encoding: gzip,deflate,sdch\r\nAccept-Language: en-US,en;q=0.8\r\nAccept-Charset: ISO-8859-1,utf-8;q=0.7,*;q=0.3\r\nCookie: name=wookie\r\n\r\n");
777         assert(req.method == "GET");
778         assert(req.uri == "/cookies");
779         assert(req.minorVer == 1);
780         assert(req.headers[0] == Header("Host", ""));
781         assert(req.headers[1] == Header("Connection", "keep-alive"));
782         assert(req.headers[2] == Header("Cache-Control", "max-age=0"));
783         assert(req.headers[3] == Header("Accept", "text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,*/*;q=0.8"));
784         assert(req.headers[4] == Header("User-Agent", "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64) AppleWebKit/537.17 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/24.0.1312.56 Safari/537.17"));
785         assert(req.headers[5] == Header("Accept-Encoding", "gzip,deflate,sdch"));
786         assert(req.headers[6] == Header("Accept-Language", "en-US,en;q=0.8"));
787         assert(req.headers[7] == Header("Accept-Charset", "ISO-8859-1,utf-8;q=0.7,*;q=0.3"));
788         assert(req.headers[8] == Header("Cookie", "name=wookie"));
789     }
791     // newline
792     {
793         auto req = parse("GET / HTTP/1.0\nfoo: a\n\n");
794     }
795 }
797 @("Response")
798 // Tests from https://github.com/h2o/picohttpparser/blob/master/test.c
799 unittest
800 {
801     auto parse(string data, Test test = Test.complete, int additional = 0) @safe nothrow
802     {
803         auto parser = initParser!Msg();
805         auto res = parser.parseResponse(data);
806         // if (res < 0) writeln("Err: ", cast(ParserError)(-res));
807         final switch (test)
808         {
809             case Test.err: assert(res < -ParserError.partial); break;
810             case Test.partial: assert(res == -ParserError.partial); break;
811             case Test.complete: assert(res == data.length - additional); break;
812         }
814         return parser.msg;
815     }
817     // simple
818     {
819         auto res = parse("HTTP/1.0 200 OK\r\n\r\n");
820         assert(res.headers.length == 0);
821         assert(res.status == 200);
822         assert(res.minorVer == 0);
823         assert(res.statusMsg == "OK");
824     }
826     parse("HTTP/1.0 200 OK\r\n\r", Test.partial); // partial
828     // parse headers
829     {
830         auto res = parse("HTTP/1.1 200 OK\r\nHost: example.com\r\nCookie: \r\n\r\n");
831         assert(res.headers.length == 2);
832         assert(res.minorVer == 1);
833         assert(res.status == 200);
834         assert(res.statusMsg == "OK");
835         assert(res.headers[0] == Header("Host", "example.com"));
836         assert(res.headers[1] == Header("Cookie", ""));
837     }
839     // parse multiline
840     {
841         auto res = parse("HTTP/1.0 200 OK\r\nfoo: \r\nfoo: b\r\n  \tc\r\n\r\n");
842         assert(res.headers.length == 3);
843         assert(res.minorVer == 0);
844         assert(res.status == 200);
845         assert(res.statusMsg == "OK");
846         assert(res.headers[0] == Header("foo", ""));
847         assert(res.headers[1] == Header("foo", "b"));
848         assert(res.headers[2] == Header(null, "  \tc"));
849     }
851     // internal server error
852     {
853         auto res = parse("HTTP/1.0 500 Internal Server Error\r\n\r\n");
854         assert(res.headers.length == 0);
855         assert(res.minorVer == 0);
856         assert(res.status == 500);
857         assert(res.statusMsg == "Internal Server Error");
858     }
860     parse("H", Test.partial); // incomplete 1
861     parse("HTTP/1.", Test.partial); // incomplete 2
862     assert(parse("HTTP/1.1", Test.partial).minorVer == 0); // incomplete 3 - differs from picohttpparser as we don't parse exact version
863     assert(parse("HTTP/1.1 ", Test.partial).minorVer == 1); // incomplete 4
864     parse("HTTP/1.1 2", Test.partial); // incomplete 5
865     assert(parse("HTTP/1.1 200", Test.partial).status == 0); // incomplete 6
866     assert(parse("HTTP/1.1 200 ", Test.partial).status == 200); // incomplete 7
867     assert(parse("HTTP/1.1 200\r", Test.partial).status == 200); // incomplete 7.1
868     parse("HTTP/1.1 200 O", Test.partial); // incomplete 8
869     assert(parse("HTTP/1.1 200 OK\r", Test.partial).statusMsg == "OK"); // incomplete 9 - differs from picohttpparser
870     assert(parse("HTTP/1.1 200 OK\r\n", Test.partial).statusMsg == "OK"); // incomplete 10
871     assert(parse("HTTP/1.1 200 OK\n", Test.partial).statusMsg == "OK"); // incomplete 11
872     assert(parse("HTTP/1.1 200 OK\r\nA: 1\r", Test.partial).headers.length == 0); // incomplete 11
873     parse("HTTP/1.1   200   OK\r\n\r\n", Test.complete); // multiple spaces between tokens
875     // incomplete 12
876     {
877         auto res = parse("HTTP/1.1 200 OK\r\nA: 1\r\n", Test.partial);
878         assert(res.headers.length == 1);
879         assert(res.headers[0] == Header("A", "1"));
880     }
882     // slowloris (incomplete)
883     {
884         auto parser = initParser!Msg();
885         assert(parser.parseResponse("HTTP/1.0 200 OK\r\n") == -ParserError.partial);
886         assert(parser.parseResponse("HTTP/1.0 200 OK\r\n\r") == -ParserError.partial);
887         assert(parser.parseResponse("HTTP/1.0 200 OK\r\n\r\nblabla") == "HTTP/1.0 200 OK\r\n\r\n".length);
888     }
890     parse("HTTP/1. 200 OK\r\n\r\n", Test.err); // invalid http version
891     parse("HTTP/1.2z 200 OK\r\n\r\n", Test.err); // invalid http version 2
892     parse("HTTP/1.1  OK\r\n\r\n", Test.err); // no status code
894     assert(parse("HTTP/1.1 200\r\n\r\n").statusMsg == ""); // accept missing trailing whitespace in status-line
895     parse("HTTP/1.1 200X\r\n\r\n", Test.err); // garbage after status 1
896     parse("HTTP/1.1 200X \r\n\r\n", Test.err); // garbage after status 2
897     parse("HTTP/1.1 200X OK\r\n\r\n", Test.err); // garbage after status 3
899     assert(parse("HTTP/1.1 200 OK\r\nbar: \t b\t \t\r\n\r\n").headers[0].value == "b"); // exclude leading and trailing spaces in header value
900 }
902 @("Incremental")
903 unittest
904 {
905     string req = "GET /cookies HTTP/1.1\r\nHost:\r\nConnection: keep-alive\r\nCache-Control: max-age=0\r\nAccept: text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,*/*;q=0.8\r\nUser-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64) AppleWebKit/537.17 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/24.0.1312.56 Safari/537.17\r\nAccept-Encoding: gzip,deflate,sdch\r\nAccept-Language: en-US,en;q=0.8\r\nAccept-Charset: ISO-8859-1,utf-8;q=0.7,*;q=0.3\r\nCookie: name=wookie\r\n\r\n";
906     auto parser = initParser!Msg();
907     uint parsed;
908     auto res = parser.parseRequest(req[0.."GET /cookies HTTP/1.1\r\nHost:\r\nConn".length], parsed);
909     assert(res == -ParserError.partial);
910     assert(parser.msg.method == "GET");
911     assert(parser.msg.uri == "/cookies");
912     assert(parser.msg.minorVer == 1);
913     assert(parser.msg.headers.length == 1);
914     assert(parser.msg.headers[0] == Header("Host", ""));
916     res = parser.parseRequest(req, parsed);
917     assert(res == req.length);
918     assert(parser.msg.method == "GET");
919     assert(parser.msg.uri == "/cookies");
920     assert(parser.msg.minorVer == 1);
921     assert(parser.msg.headers[0] == Header("Host", ""));
922     assert(parser.msg.headers[1] == Header("Connection", "keep-alive"));
923     assert(parser.msg.headers[2] == Header("Cache-Control", "max-age=0"));
924     assert(parser.msg.headers[3] == Header("Accept", "text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,*/*;q=0.8"));
925     assert(parser.msg.headers[4] == Header("User-Agent", "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64) AppleWebKit/537.17 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/24.0.1312.56 Safari/537.17"));
926     assert(parser.msg.headers[5] == Header("Accept-Encoding", "gzip,deflate,sdch"));
927     assert(parser.msg.headers[6] == Header("Accept-Language", "en-US,en;q=0.8"));
928     assert(parser.msg.headers[7] == Header("Accept-Charset", "ISO-8859-1,utf-8;q=0.7,*;q=0.3"));
929     assert(parser.msg.headers[8] == Header("Cookie", "name=wookie"));
930 }
932 //** used intrinsics **//
934 version(LDC)
935 {
936     public import core.simd;
937     public import ldc.intrinsics;
938     import ldc.gccbuiltins_x86;
940     enum LDC_with_SSE42 = __traits(targetHasFeature, "sse4.2");
942     // These specify the type of data that we're comparing.
943     enum _SIDD_UBYTE_OPS            = 0x00;
944     enum _SIDD_UWORD_OPS            = 0x01;
945     enum _SIDD_SBYTE_OPS            = 0x02;
946     enum _SIDD_SWORD_OPS            = 0x03;
948     // These specify the type of comparison operation.
949     enum _SIDD_CMP_EQUAL_ANY        = 0x00;
950     enum _SIDD_CMP_RANGES           = 0x04;
951     enum _SIDD_CMP_EQUAL_EACH       = 0x08;
952     enum _SIDD_CMP_EQUAL_ORDERED    = 0x0c;
954     // These are used in _mm_cmpXstri() to specify the return.
955     enum _SIDD_LEAST_SIGNIFICANT    = 0x00;
956     enum _SIDD_MOST_SIGNIFICANT     = 0x40;
958     // These macros are used in _mm_cmpXstri() to specify the return.
959     enum _SIDD_BIT_MASK             = 0x00;
960     enum _SIDD_UNIT_MASK            = 0x40;
962     // some definition aliases to commonly used names
963     alias __m128i = int4;
965     // some used methods aliases
966     alias _expect = llvm_expect;
967     alias _mm_loadu_si128 = loadUnaligned!__m128i;
968     alias _mm_cmpestri = __builtin_ia32_pcmpestri128;
969 }
970 else
971 {
972     enum LDC_with_SSE42 = false;
974     T _expect(T)(T val, T expected_val) if (__traits(isIntegral, T))
975     {
976         pragma(inline, true);
977         return val;
978     }
979 }
981 pragma(msg, "SSE: ", LDC_with_SSE42);